Adventures From The Book Of Virtues Review

The series focuses on two best friends: 11-year-old Zach Nichols, who is white American, and 10-year-old Annie Redfeather, who is Native American. In each episode of the series, one of them commits an act contrary to that day’s chosen virtue (loyaltycompassioncouragemoderationhonesty, etc.) and suffers pain as a result (be it physical or moral). They seek counsel of one of Annie’s animal friends. These animal friends are four anthropomorphic mountain-dwelling entities who between them possess immense knowledge of legends and literature as well as common sense and a lively sense of fun. They utilize classical works of famous authors, philosophers, poets, as well as fables and myths to communicate the truth of virtue to Zach and Annie. Plato, the oldest, is a scholarly bison; Aurora, the most gentle, is a Red-tailed hawk; Socrates “Such” is a rambunctious bobcat; and Aristotle “Ari” is a prairie dog who is seldom without his bag of books. These four, whose existence seems a secret from the majority of humans in the town of Spring Valley, advise Annie and Zach patiently and often. The children then proceed to live according to the virtue of the day, completing what they have begun.

I originally thought this series was more based on religious stories but come to find out it based on a lot more, I personally think it’s a  cool and I think it needs to be remade or just simply reaired by PBS Kids.

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