Karma Review

Video by DJ Talks

Each team upon being paired up got to chose a team color and a law of Karma to represent their team. The Laws were given in form of a medallion with imagery of the law on the front. In this season, 8 laws of Karma came into play:

The laws of karma are Inspiration, Connection, Patience, Giving, Humility, Growth, Focus, and Responsibility.

Teams that were eliminated got to give one of the teams remaining their medallion(s), which would ultimately come into play in the finale challenge.

Karma Coins

After the team that won the challenge selected two teams to send to the Cave of Karma, The remaining teams each received a Karma Coin, which they would will to one of the two teams chosen to go to the Cave at the offering. At the offering, Each of the safe teams, excluding the team that won the challenge, came up one at a time and handed their teams coin to the team that they wanted to help at the Cave. The coins would play a role in the cave, and having more coins would give the teams more chances.

The Cave of Karma

The winning team of the challenge would get to select two team to send to the Cave of Karma, where they would face off in a challenge which would eliminate one team. The challenge at the Cave was to find one (or more*) Karma Coin(s) given to them. The coins were hidden by the opposing team under one of the 10 stone chambers that were on each side. After the hiding of the coins, each team would take turns to find their coin(s) by smashing open one of the chambers. The first team to find that Cave’s amount of coins would win and return to the game.

In my opinion this show is similar to survivor in a few ways, one being contestants are cut off from the everyday worries of life, Now the main reason I decided to watch this is because one of my favorite YouTube channels crazy pieces their daughter Ariana was one of the contestants, overall I think it is a great show and you should check it out.

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