The Deep Dark Secret of Cartoon Characters Theory

We all thought of Spongebob and other cartoon characters such as Mario, Luigi, Chuck E. Cheese, and Dora’s cousin, Diego as innocent. Well, I guess we should’ve thought again! Spongebob was a Nazi during WW2. His real name is Robert Maxwell Johannes Gustav Adolf von Squarepants. Mario and Luigi were part of the Fascist Italian Army during WW2 and so was Chuck E. Cheese. Dora’s cousin, Diego was part of the Fascist Spanish Army during the same war. Spongebob, Mario, Luigi, Chuck E. Cheese, and Diego are responsible for the deaths of men, women, and children in the battle of Stalingrad as well as in the invasion of Normandy. Parents, think twice before letting your kids be exposed to any of these characters!

Whoever wrote this theory is a nut, there is no other way to put it whoever in the world wrote this theory is insane because I will not believe that any cartoon character at all is associated with a war that occurred between thirty and seventy years before the creation of the characters mentioned.

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