The Deep Dark Secret of Cartoon Characters Theory

We all thought of Spongebob and other cartoon characters such as Mario, Luigi, Chuck E. Cheese, and Dora’s cousin, Diego as innocent. Well, I guess we should’ve thought again! Spongebob was a Nazi during WW2. His real name is Robert Maxwell Johannes Gustav Adolf von Squarepants. Mario and Luigi were part of the Fascist ItalianContinue reading “The Deep Dark Secret of Cartoon Characters Theory”

My Little Pony Sunset Shimmer’s Clone Theory

In the worlds of Equestria and the human world of Equestria Girls, there are two clones that live in different worlds. When Princess Twilight Sparkle enters the human world, she meets the human counterparts of the Mane Six, including a human Twilight. Sunset Shimmer’s human clone has never been seen or mentioned so she isContinue reading “My Little Pony Sunset Shimmer’s Clone Theory”

Patrick Star is a man with a kids brain? Theory

The popular TV show “Spongebob Squarepants” has a main character known as “Patrick Star” who was featured in an episode called “Patrick Smartpants” in which Patrick falls of a cliff, losing his head, including his brain. Trying to help him find his head, Spongebob picks up the wrong one. Patrick then becomes intelligent, disappointing Spongebob,Continue reading “Patrick Star is a man with a kids brain? Theory”

Jessie’s Owner Theory

In this theory, it is believed that Andy’s Mother was actually Jessie’s former owner, Emily. One of the major points to this theory is that Andy’s mother was born in the 50s,  which was around the same time as the western show in which Jessie appeared in. It is also noted that it appeared thatContinue reading “Jessie’s Owner Theory”

Po Is Panda In Shunk Fu Theory

Panda and Po are the same person. It is basically showing Po from “Kung Fu Panda” as he ended up becoming an elder, many years after all three “Kung Fu Panda” movies were made. Skunk, Rabbit, and all the other animals in “Skunk Fu” are Po’s students he trains in kung fu. It is alsoContinue reading “Po Is Panda In Shunk Fu Theory”

Peni Parker is Dr. Curt Conner’s Biological Daughter Theory

According to Peni Parker in the Spider-Verse movie, it was her father who died because she felt the same as the Spider group including miles. But it turns out that she was right… or wasn’t she? So what if Peni Parker’s Early Life was even worse than the day her father died?  Before she controlsContinue reading “Peni Parker is Dr. Curt Conner’s Biological Daughter Theory”

Swat Kats Were Once Human Theory

In the final days of humanity, human DNA was being combined with cats to create a race that could pick up where humans left off. Of course, humans would be prehistoric to the kats.  And ironically, most of the villains are distant descendants of Ted Turner.  (Actually, they’re on another planet entirely. The original planContinue reading “Swat Kats Were Once Human Theory”

Pokèmon Is A Post-Apocalyptic World

While this is likely untrue, let’s think about this for a second. The Pokemon found in-game all appear to be an  animal or an inanimate object (such as a candle or a ring of keys). A nuclear war may have commenced, causing a fallout upon modern-day reality. This would explain the creation of Pokemon. SomeContinue reading “Pokèmon Is A Post-Apocalyptic World”

Poof’s Real Dad

I recently came across this theory when search for some old Nicktoons to watch. It talks  about Poof not being Cosmo’s, let’s look at the evidence clearly see if Poof is Cosmo’s or not. In fairies, genetics shows through color. For example, Cosmo and Mama Cosma, both are green, albeit Cosmo is a darker greenContinue reading “Poof’s Real Dad”

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