Jessie’s Owner Theory

In this theory, it is believed that Andy’s Mother was actually Jessie’s former owner, Emily. One of the major points to this theory is that Andy’s mother was born in the 50s,  which was around the same time as the western show in which Jessie appeared in. It is also noted that it appeared thatContinue reading “Jessie’s Owner Theory”

Pokèmon Is A Post-Apocalyptic World

While this is likely untrue, let’s think about this for a second. The Pokemon found in-game all appear to be an  animal or an inanimate object (such as a candle or a ring of keys). A nuclear war may have commenced, causing a fallout upon modern-day reality. This would explain the creation of Pokemon. SomeContinue reading “Pokèmon Is A Post-Apocalyptic World”

Poof’s Real Dad

I recently came across this theory when search for some old Nicktoons to watch. It talks  about Poof not being Cosmo’s, let’s look at the evidence clearly see if Poof is Cosmo’s or not. In fairies, genetics shows through color. For example, Cosmo and Mama Cosma, both are green, albeit Cosmo is a darker greenContinue reading “Poof’s Real Dad”

The Island Of Misfit Cartoons

The Island of Misfit Cartoons is a place where all cancelled Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows go such as Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Catdog, old Spongebob, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Johnny Bravo, etc. go. It is sorta like the Island of Misfit Toys from the 1964 Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer tv special seasonal for Christmas-only forContinue reading “The Island Of Misfit Cartoons”

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